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How to determine type of centrifugal pump

Time:2011年04月13日 人氣: 來源:本站原創(chuàng)

1st, acts according to equipments technological parameter, transportation parameters and so on medium physics and chemical property unifies Our company product the structural property and is suitable the location, determined that which series chooses the pump;
2nd, determines pumps rated flow;
3rd, determines pumps fixed lifting;
4th, the examination designation series pumps spectrum chart, the corresponding current capacity, in which model frame do lifting fall on, then the preliminary determination designates this model, usually under different rotational speed, Possibly will select one kind of model respectively;
5th, the examination preliminary designation models performance curve, verifies pumps essential net positive suction head NPSHr whether equality circuit net positive suction head NPSHa request;
6th, whether the examination performance curve verification shaping numbers fixed operating point does fall in pumps highly effective work area; The synthesis compares pumps efficiency, the rotational speed (the rotational speed to be lower, service life Longer) and price. Definite pumps final model.








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