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prevent cavitation produce what methods of

Time:2011年04月13日 人氣: 來源:本站原創(chuàng)

1, improve the port to port, surface finish by grinding and cleaning. Advantage: the method is simple.Faults: processing costs rise, reducing NPSHr smaller values.
2, increase the impeller inlet velocity, in order to reduce imports in diameter. Advantage: the method is simple.Weakness: the need to change the mold, the manufacturing costs rise, easy to form non-standard pump type.
3, reduce the speed of the pump.The main purpose of this method is also lower pump import velocity. Advantages: can choose standard pump type.Weakness: the same capacity and head of the pump type, low cost, low efficiency, high.
4, on pump import increase induced chakra. Advantages: reducing the cost of NPSHr and that increase the ratio of higher, often use.
5, adjust the installation Angle blade.Advantage: the method is simple.Faults: can only be hoping for mixed flow pump and applicable.
6, increase a booster pump. Advantages: can reduce main pump prices, improving the main pump efficiency.Weakness: the main pump only commonly used when prices higher.
7 and reduce pumping the liquid temperature, pressure to reduce gasification. Advantages: pump manufacturing costs can reduce.Faults: only under certain conditions are available.
8, reduce inhaled the pipeline resistance, such as increasing inhaled diameter, reduce inhaled the valves, elbow pipe etc. Advantages: they can improve inhaled condition, saving energy consumption.Faults: pipe diameter increase increased infrastructure expenses.
9, reduce the pump installation height, necessary way by flowing.Advantages: choose pump cost reduction. Faults: installation fee increase.








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